FOSS Weekly - Issue #1

📰 News TL;DR

Thanks to events like Build 2022, and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon this week, we have had some announcements from Big Tech companies partnering with open source companies, some that are open-sourcing tools, and others that are releasing newer versions. Read on to find out more!

💻 Software

🔗 Security

📝  Releases

💡 Miscellaneous

 🔍 Rare Find of the Week

Amy, is a programmer and alumnus of MIT. She creates a series of zines that cover computer science concepts in an accessible way, targeted toward people who don't think computer science is for them.

BubbleSort Zines are zine series filled with stories and hand-drawn art and diagrams. They cover topics like circuits, sorting, memory, cryptography, image processing, and data structures. Though the intended audience is high school students there are also a surprising number of adults who are also subscribers! BubbleSort was funded by a Kickstarter campaign back in 2016. order yours here:

That's it for this week! Liked this post? Don't forget to subscribe 👇